

✨Sponsored by the Drake Family & Idaho Whiskey Society.✨

Cathedral of the Rockies, Hill City Church, True Hope Church, & Boise Young Life are partnering with us to host Speak Out’s Anxiety & Depression High School Cohort. This program will be run from March 28th - May 30th & is open for any high school student to attend.

Our Anxiety & Depression Cohort focus on preventative tools in navigating experiences of Anxiety & Depression. We together learn tools to combat depression, learn to recognize the warning signs, focus on building a robust toolkit that will aid in navigating the world around us.

This cohort is open to any high school student.

Underdogs Club Social Thursday - March 7th

The Underdogs Club Social is open to anyone who would like to hear more information about this upcoming Underdogs Club. We highly encourage parents, students, mentors, pastors, & teachers who would like to hear more about this upcoming cohort to join. We will be going over the syllabus, doing a mental health check in together & answering any questions you have. We look forward to seeing you there!

Underdogs Club - Youth Thursday Night

717 N 11th St, Boise, ID 83702 Please use the 12th street doors